Life's A Mario Game
PhotobucketTuesday, June 30, 2009


My badge has a Latin motto
Hope for the future
The future is hope
Or something

At times black crows try to interrupt
When we sing the National Anthem

It is difficult to maintain
The whiteness of my shoes
Especially on Wednesdays

I must admit there is something quite special
About the bare thighs of hardworking scouts

The Malay chauffeurs
Who wait for my schoolmates
Sit on the car park kerb
Telling jokes to one another

Seven to the power of five is unreasonable

On Chinese New Year
Mrs Lee dressed up
In a sarong kebaya
And sang Bengawan Solo

The capital of Singapore is Singapore

My best friend did a heroic thing once
Shaded all A's
For his Chinese Language
Multiple-choice paper

In our annual yearbook
There is a photograph of me

Pushing a wheelchair and smiling
They caught me
At the exact moment

When my eyes were actually closed

With 31 lines in this poem, it came as
not a surprise that this poem was rather
disorganised one. Some lines are
quatrains, couplets,
triplets and even one-line stanzas.
While it does obey the start of a stanza
is a another idea rule, this poem has no
rhythm when you recite it, and neither
does it have a fixed emphasizing
pattern, so my conclusion is that it is
a free verse.
There are no alliteration, however,
there are a few imagery like
"The whiteness of my shoes"
"At times black crows try to interrupt"

There are no simile, metaphor,
onomatopoeia, personification, idiom.

But there is something similar to
symbolism in this verse.

At times black crows try to interrupt
When we sing the National Anthem

It is difficult to maintain
The whiteness of my shoes
Especially on Wednesdays

This stanzas may symbolize the
"imperfections" of childhood life.

Seven to the power of five is
Thecapital of Singapore is Singapore

These lines captures the naive tone of
the poem.

I feel not exactly in the same way as
him but I understand a tiny bit of his
description of his primary school life.
I felt that many things were not
necessary and that friends and having
fun was the most important...

I used to be in 6 Patience
Yes, that's a class name
One of our weak point is silence
Or that's what they claim
Teachers here don't last a instance
Us they did not tame
They were always at absence
And we all brought our game!

Recess was the only period
that everyone adore
All my classmates freely chatted
Indoor or outdoor
Some took this time and rested
Woke up feeling sore
Especially when disturbed
Middle of their snore

CCA were annoying
That is what I thought
Math,robotics and biking
This three here I sought
I ended up in drawing
Also known as art
We even tried chiseling
My statue was worth naught

But there will be one thing I miss
And that would be my friends
No wonder then I felt amiss
I have no girlfriends...

Note: I really don't have one.

PhotobucketIn living memory

PhotobucketMonday, June 29, 2009

Day 2

Hi all,

yup, you guessed it. More of this Elearning madness. Today I should be talk about my favortie poet.

Jack Prelutsky claims to have hated poetry when he was younger.
His book, Behold the Bold Umbrellaphant and Other Poems, won the 2007 Scandiuzzi Children's Book Award of the Washington State Book Awards in the Picture Book category.

Thesis statement:There must be someone in Jack Prelutsky's life that encourage him to become a poets.

Could it be his teacher?
"In fact there was a time when I couldn't stand poetry. In grade school, I had a teacher who left me with the impression that poetry was the literary equivalent of liver. I was told that it was good for me, but I wasn't convinced. When I rediscovered poetry in my twenties, I decided I would write about things that kids really cared about, and that I would make poetry delightful."
Okay... So the person in his life was definitely not his grade school teacher...*cross out* Moving on...

Was it his wife perhaps?

"My wife's name is Carolynn, and we've been married since 1979. We don't have any children, and we're temporarily between pets. We've owned a couple of dogs and have had several cats."
1979... He began his poetry writing career in 1964. So she was not his inspiration in his life... Out!

Then who was it?

"I discovered writing as a career only by accident when I was about 24 years old. I had spent months drawing several imaginary animals, but one evening I decided to write a little poem to go with each drawing. A friend encouraged me to show the poems to an editor, and when I did, I was astonished to find that the editor — Susan Hirschman — thought I had a talent for writing verse. Susan told me I was a natural poet and encouraged me to keep writing. She published my first book and, 30 years later, she's still my editor."
Oh so the "person" who sparked off his poetry writing career was imaginary animals, an annoymous friend and his editor Susan Hirschman. Wow.... That is a lot of people. But anyway, I was correct!

And now three poems written by Jack Prelutsky that I think are the best!

The Wizard

The wizard, watchful, waits alone
Within his tower of cold, gray stone.
And ponders in his wicked way
What evil deeds he’ll do this day.

He’s tall and thin, with wrinkled skin.
A tangled beard hangs from his chin.
His cheeks are gaunt, his eyes set deep,
He scarcely eats, he needs no sleep.

His fingers wave arcane commands.
Ten boney sticks on withered hands.
His flowing cloak is smirched with grime.
He’s wanted since the dawn of time.

Upon his hat, in silver lines,
Are pictured necromantic signs.
Symbols of the awesome power of the wizard,
Alone in his cold stone tower.

He scans his mystic stalk in trade,
Charms to fetch a demon’s aid.
Seething stews of purplish potions,
Throbbing, pometergic lotions.

Supernatural tracks and tomes
Complete with lore of elves and gnomes.
Talismans, Amulets, willowy wands
To summon sprits from beyond.
He spies a bullfrog by the door
And stooping, scoops it off the floor.
He flicks his wand, the frog’s a flea
Through elemental sorcery.

The flea hops once, the flea hops twice,
The flea becomes a pair of mice.
That dive into a bubbling brew
Emerging as one cockatoo.

The wizard laughs a hallow laugh,
The soaking bird’s reduced by half.
And when, perplexed, it starts to squawk,
The wizard turns it into chalk

With witch he deafly writes a spell
That makes the chalk a silver bell
Which tinkles in the ash and air
Till flash! A fire burns brightly there.

He gestures with an ancient knack
To try to bring the bullfrog back.
Another Flash! No flame now burns
As once again the frog returns.

But when it bounds about in fear,
The wizard shouts, “Begone from here!”
And midway through a frightened croak
It vanishes in clouds of smoke.

The wizard smirks a fiendish smirk
Reflecting on the woes he’ll work
As he consults a dusty text
And checks which hex he’ll conjure next.

He might pluck someone off the spot
And turn him into who knows what.
Should you encounter a toad or lizard,
Look closely, it may be the work of the wizard.

As soon as Fred gets out of bed,

As soon as Fred gets out of bed,
his underwear goes on his head.
His mother laughs, "Don't put it there,
a head's no place for underwear!"
But near his ears, above his brains,
is where Fred's underwear remains.

At night when Fred goes back to bed,
he deftly plucks it off his head.
His mother switches off the light
and softly croons, "Good night! Good night!"
And then, for reasons no one knows,
Fred's underwear goes on his toes.

Be Glad Your Nose Is On Your Face

Be glad your nose is on your face,
not pasted on some other place,
for if it were where it is not,
you might dislike your nose a lot.

Imagine if your precious nose
were sandwiched in between your toes,
that clearly would not be a treat,
for you'd be forced to smell your feet.

Your nose would be a source of dread
were it attached atop your head,
it soon would drive you to despair,
forever tickled by your hair.

Within your ear, your nose would be
an absolute catastrophe,
for when you were obliged to sneeze,
your brain would rattle from the breeze.

Your nose, instead, through thick and thin,
remains between your eyes and chin,
not pasted on some other place--
be glad your nose is on your face!

Yayz! That is all! Creditz!!!

Be glad your nose is on your face and as soon as fred get out of bed.-


Fang Ziying, 1i3, 06

PhotobucketIn living memory

PhotobucketSunday, June 28, 2009


Hi all,


The subject is english.

Be glad your nose is on your face,
not pasted on some other place,
for if it were where it is not,
you might dislike your nose a lot.

Imagine if your precious nose
were sandwiched in between your toes,
that clearly would not be a treat,
for you'd be forced to smell your feet.

Your nose would be a source of dread
were it attached atop your head,
it soon would drive you to despair,
forever tickled by your hair.

Within your ear, your nose would be
an absolute catastrophe,
for when you were obliged to sneeze,
your brain would rattle from the breeze.

Your nose, instead, through thick and thin,
remains between your eyes and chin,
not pasted on some other place--
be glad your nose is on your face!

Funny poem, ay?
Anyway, I should be now, sigh, finding out what figurative language is used in this poem.

The hyperbole used are " not pasted on some other place, for if it were where it is not, you might dislike your nose a lot. " "that clearly would not be a treat," "Your nose would be a source of dread" "it soon would drive you to despair," "an absolute catastrophe," All this quote here are used to exaggerate on how bad it would be if your nose is on some other body parts and it allow the reader to feel that your nose is perfect on nose and would catastrophe anywhere else. The symbolism is that your ear is actually a situation. And the places to put the ear is how you can deal with the situation. So you see, a situation on actually neutral, the good or bad outcome completely depends on how you deal with it!

Why I like this poem: Well... The main reason was that it was humourous and comical on the surface, giving the reader a good laugh, however, beneath the surface is actually a moral. "Nothing is bad or negative in nature, it all depends on how you deal with it", a moral that I agree with. "Before you blame other people, you should first look at yourself." A even deeper interpretation of the poem. So you see, this poem is more than meets the eye, and that is why I like it.


Fang Ziying,1i3,06

PhotobucketIn living memory

PhotobucketThursday, June 11, 2009

Hi all,

I know term 2 is over and I need not do anymore post on Animal Farm, but here is a worksheet that Mdm Lim gave us and told us to complete in class. As usual, this could not entertain my fun-loving spirit and my pure talent to screw up badly. So, I decided to satisfy my spirit and talent.

And I screwed up this worksheet badly in a fun way! I just hope that she doesn't call the worksheets back to mark or check....

MUHAHAHAHAHAHA *choke* *sputter* *cough*

Ziying's humor has leveled up! It is now -1! He wants to learn "sacarsm" but his move list are full, forget a move? 1, 2, 3... Poof! Ziying had forgotten "politeness"! Ziying learns "sacarsm"!

Ziying's ability to screw up has leveled up! It is now level 100! He had mastered the art to screwing up! He now can screw up with 150% more efficiency with 99% less effort! Ziying gains trait - "Thick-Faced". "Insults" now doesn't affect him anymore!

Woo Hoo!
Guy who leveled up.
P.S: Click on the image to view fullsize, this one works, I swear!


PhotobucketIn living memory

PhotobucketWednesday, June 10, 2009

OMG!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! okwaitaminuteformetocalmdown....
ok... here goes...

Hi all,

Wondering why am I so freaking_____ (choose your adjective!!!----- *Strange* *PANICKY* *Weird*) today? I will tell you why!!!!
It all started out with Hwa Chong Judo Club's "rich" and "honorable" tradition, (beside the one to bond(you know what I mean, don't act dumb)birthday boy on that day and to spray muscle relaxant found in the first aid box in between HIS legs. OOPS, too much info there. MOVING ON)
Anyway what was I saying? Oh yes, the tradition. The tradition to cut their hair during the June holiday to so-called "prepare" for the inter-school competition during July. It doesn't sound so bad, does it? Well... Here is the catch. You must "cut" your hair until 3mm. Not the just the sides, the whole head. So your head will look like a egg when you are done. And believe I am not lying. The only point of this, I see so far, was to transform "Hwa Chong Judo Club" to "Hwa Chong ShaoLin Temple" That is the only reason I see for this shaving. But according to our senior, RI Judo Club does not shave, so what is the point of looking like the Great Laughing Buddha?
Anyway, being the nice, obedient, respectful and most important of all... humble boy that I am, I went to the barber to get a *ugh* haircut. She was like just using the razor, gliding it across my scalp to give me my new *ugh* haircut. No scissors required. So now I had transformed into... KUNGFU PANDA!!! I am from China, in Judo, fat and look like very weird... And from now on, for my hair I shall use!: "


I breath..
I move…
I sweat..
with the world watching…
my hair..
my clothes..
i like black..
black is confident…
black looks good..
looking good means no hair
confidence means no hair
clear means no hair
i trust clear..
hair never comes back
my name is Sun…
My head is so shiny that it outshine the sun!

Well... Anyway... I will be wearing a cap when I go out. So if you see someone who you saw in a commercial for shampoo and bare a strange resemblance to Kungfu Panda and wearing a Cambridge/Beijing Olympic cap, look out, I mean look away, I don't want to blind you...

Cheers? Ziying Guy with a Bo-Tah head

P.S: Click the image to view fullsize


PhotobucketIn living memory

PhotobucketMonday, June 8, 2009

Hi all,

This is Ziying, you know, the guy who was blogging very enthuly a while ago? You guys already forgotten me already, didn't you? I am so sad... *sob* *sob* *choke* :(
ANYWAY.... I should and would be blogging again soon. Look out world! Here I come!!!

Guy who started blogging again


PhotobucketIn living memory

The BloggerY


Thought deeply about where can't you enter a mirror in K1.
My conclusion? Because the other guy in the mirror will block you with the same body parts that you try to enter the mirror with... And still now I still believe in it...
Spent my childhood dismantling stuff. I think would be spending the rest of my life wondering how to fix them back together...
"Invested" most of my pocket money on comics...

Favorite novels author used to be Roald Dahl.
Now is Roald Dahl and Eoin Colfer. (It is pronounced "Owen", by the way.)
Taken a liking to Murderous Maths. Author's name? Kjartan Poskitt.
Favorite authors all seem to have a unusual name...

The time I got a Nintendo DS, I polished it at least twice everyday for a week...
Almost cried the time I dropped it on the floor...

My lifetime ambitions?
Be a Scientist(or a Philosopher?)
To eat a 冰糖葫芦. (Those you see in the movies.)
Building a snowman. (With carrots and stuff.)
Swimming in a room filled with candies where I can eat candies just by opening my mouth. (...What!?...)
Filling a bag full with candies and carrying it to school. (So I can eat candies wherever I am)

Now studying in Hwa Chong Institution, and racing in this crazy Mario Game.

Law And OrderY

Do Not Spam
Do Not Be Vulgar
Do Not Impersonate
Do Not Insult Or Defame
Most Importantly- Have Fun!

The PastY